Prayer Chain across the Blogosphere Week 27

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I again would like to thank everyone for participating in the prayer chain. If you are new to this below you shall find what you can do to help spread the prayer chain and how you can add your prayers. I update the list every Sunday. Please help spread the prayer chain because I must be getting hundreds of new prayers every week. If you know any individual who is in need of prayers pleas add them to the list. If you have any updates on the prayers that are provided let me know by leaving a comment.

If you want to pass this prayer chain along on your blog all you need to do is add the prayer chain button and blog about this once a week. Ask your readers to post their prayer intentions as comments. then you can either contact us with your prayer request, or post them as a comment on the prayer chain. You can also direct your readers here so they can post their prayer intentions directly to our site. If you intend to list prayers on your site please add your link so we can find those prayers.

I must have hundreds of comments from people that need prayers. I know they are out there. When you say your prayers at night, in the morning, or whenever you pray visit our chain and read the intentions. God is listening.

Here’s the current list.

The mother with the child with Asperger’s and Asthma and her son._____________________________________________________________________________

For my health, the health of my unborn baby and all pregnant women and their unborn babies throughout the world.______________________________________________________________________________

Please pray for baby Stellan. You can visit the link for current updates on how he and his mommy are doing.

UpdateBaby Stellan was released from Boston’s Children’s healthcare facility after undergoing successful surgery on his tiny heart. He and his mother are back home in the mid west. God answers our prayers!

Update 6/18/2009


Hey, it’s MckMama here. thank you all so very much for your love and concern. We are doing as well as could be hoped, with the exception that sweet Stellan is suffering much from being in so much SVT over the past few days. Thankfully, after I fed him just now, he has finally fallen asleep for literally the first time today.

I will update here when I can, and am sending out a few Tweets here and there so you know specifically how to pray.


Hi all, this is MckMama’s sister, Hilary.

My sister ended up taking Stellan to the er this afternoon. As I’m sure you know, Stellan has been having lots of break-throughs of SVT and performing vagel maneuvers just isn’t going to suffice anymore for Stellan’s long-term plan.

After a bit of trying, they were able to get an IV into Stellan’s foot and successfully converted him by using adenosine. as per Dr. B’s orders, they are admitting Stellan into the PICU and will additionally decide what to do from here. It seems as though some new combination of medicines will need to be tried to keep Stellan’s SVT under control.

UPDATE: I just spoke with my sister on the phone (6:30pm central time) and Stellan has flipped back into SVT.

So please join me in praying for healing of Stellan’s heart and for peace in the hearts of my sister and her family as they deal with this stressful situation.

Lord, wrap your arms around my sister and her family. fill them with peace and depend on as they travel through this “storm.” You are our Comfort, our shelter and our Healer. We beseech you, Lord, to interevene ideal now and cause Stellan’s heart to beat in the rhythm it was indicated to! help us to keep our eyes focused on You. Ámen.

Thank you all!Blessings,Hilary


Comments from readers

“My grandson is on his way back from Iraq and I’m praying for him to return safely. He is due back in the states on January 6th and I’ll breathe relief when he’s back.

This was his second seven month excursion in Iraq as a marine..”

Dorothy from grammology

1>Gracie Martin-age 95,still at home with her family but she has gotten very ill and alzheimers is bad.pray for her family as well.

2.>Pray for my friend linda s.,she is 45 and has lung cancer.She is still trying to work and spend as much time with her 3 grandkids as she can…

3.>Dorothy carter-hurt her back at work and they found what they thoughtmay be tumors on her back during xrays-she is 43 and just had her first grandbaby

4.>Rita b.-strength to be a single mommy of 3 and a way to come so that they can get a automobile for the family.

5.>johnny n.-health problems

6.betty r~simply southern-to get rid of this dreadful congestion in my chest.been battling it 2 weeks..little summer also has this,it is rough on her at times.she is only 6 mos old.thank you”

Betty from simply Southern

“I have one to list..

The family of Barbara C. She just lost her battle with cancer.”

Felicia from Go Graham Go!

“i’d also like to add my prayer…

please pray for the soul of Al my neighbor (15 yrs old) who passed away last saturday. (January 10) he had bone marrow cancer.”

Liza from hMoms… check Nyo

“What a great thing you are doing here.

My aunt has a best friend who just got a bad cancer report.”

Thanks,ToniIt Is Nap Time

Update from ToniJust wanted to say that my aunts friend has found a study that will take her so that is some good news.

I would like to add my mommies cousin who has cancer and is not doing well at all. Her name is Mandy. She has a 2 year old and I am sure she would appreciate all prayers for her and her family.

“You are a person with a warm heart!

I want pray for all people who still live in the disaster area of China WenChuan earthquake, hope they all have warm place to live and warm food to eat!

It’s the first Chinese new spring festival after earthquake, I hope they have a delighted new year!”


“Hi Cascia. I’m the one who won the labor looks gown from your contest. Our baby was born on January 7th, and he is doing really well. but my labor and delivery did not go as planned or as we’d hoped, and I ended up with a partial 4th degree tear from an emergency forceps delivery, other wounds from 4 hours of intense pushing a lot more than 36 hours after my water broke, and an infected abcess/hematoma in the same spot along the tear site. a lot more than 3 weeks after my son’s birth, several heavy-duty medications and 3 surgical procedures later, I am just now “out of the woods”. but recovery is going to be very slow, and the emotional struggle is starting to get intense now that the physical struggles have lessened. In a week, my mommy will be heading home, and I’ll be on my own while my husband works. Normally, that would be okay, but with the special issues from my complications, it is going to be hard. (I can’t even sit or walk properly. and certain muscles in that area will need physiotherapy to get back to normal functioning.) Basically, I need healing of body and mind, as well as the ability to fully care for my kid and somehow do household things that my husband cannot make with his schedule. (He does a ton and is the best, but his energy and time don’t allow for taking care of my entire load.)

My other struggle ideal now is being able to see and feel all the zillions of positive and good things happening around me ideal now, and I seem stuck on the negative. I do see God’s hand prints all over this situation, especially in the way my maternity doctor has cared for me both physically and spiritually, going above and beyond the normal role of medical physician. So there are lots of “Ebenezers” I see and cherish. but this journey is still hard, and often finding Jesus beside me in all of this is not easy.

Thank you for praying.”

Inkling’s Public Blog

Hi, I was wondering if you could add my brother-in-law in your prayers. He found out a couple of weeks ago that he has prostate cancer.


Sue from stay At home Mom

Comments from message box

“Hi Cascia, my 60-year-old 2nd-brother has been in ICU considering that 30Dec08. chances are 50/50. Let’s pray that he will make it thru. Jus me, Wenny of inside My Bubble Today.”Please pray for Wenny’s family. Her brother passed away on January 7.

Hi,I am a mother of 2 boys, often I’m just overwhelmed with motherhood and a lot of of the time I’d be stressed. Please pray for me.Thank you.

Anonymous (guest): I feel selfish asking for prayers for myself! I am a single mommy with 2 young children with disabilities. I lost my job last year and now my home is going into foreclosure. I am overwhelmed and could use your support and prayers to get me through this! köszönöm!

APrayingWifey (guest): Hello..I would like prayer please for a miracle for my well as for my children,my family and myself.Also would like prayer to find a lot more like minded,God filled friends who love God and their family like I do.I am to the blogging thing and well as needing prayer for the rest of the attorney fees asap..

If you have prayers you want to add to the prayer chain please leave a comment or message me in the prayer chain box.If you want to promote the prayer chain on your blog all you need to do is blog about it along with our list of prayers and a link back here. You can use the button code to link back to the prayer chain. I made a new button so ifMegvan a régi a webhelyén, amelyet érdemes megszerezni az új kóddal. Amikor azt mondja az imáit éjjel, vagy amikor imádkozik, ne felejtsd el hozzáadni az egészséges anyukák imádságának szándékait.

A kapcsolódó homeopátia az egészségi állapotok széles skálájára működik

Látogasson el ezekre a blogokra, hogy sokkal több imát olvashasson a blogoszférában.

Természetesen tévednék az ima Listpalm Sunday katolikusok és az anglikánok megosztása az iszapicatolikus tűz imádságához, amely az Esthersunday Prayera ima a Palm Sundaypray -hez, a Christian Jason M.Pray számára a Haitipray számára a jótékonysági célokra

Imádkozz Summa Mamasprayért a Farmersprayért a Ryanprayért Becca férjeért, mert a depresszióban szenvedő lány imádkozik a 7 éves Yair Tuvia Ben Michalpease-já ! Imádkozz az Erinprayért a Kameryn Hembreeért. Sokkal több információért is meglátogathatja a Facebook oldalát. Imádkozz egy anya és születendő gyermekéért. Küzd a koraszüléssel. Meglátogathatja a blogját is, hogy sokkal több információt kapjon. Pray a motorkerékpár -balesetben megsérült fiatalember számára. Joanna és Ron számára is meglátogathatja a Joanna blogját, hogy sokkal több információt kapjon. Kegy, hogy imádkozzon egy nő unokáért. Családjuk valóban szenved ezekben a nehéz gazdasági időkben. Kérjük, imádkozzon Aidenért. Aiden egy kis gyerek, aki majdnem megfulladt 2008. februárjában. A gyógyulás hosszú és nehéz volt a családjában. Pray az Ethan baba számára.

Kérlek, imádkozz Jesseért. Látogasson el a blogjára, hogy sokkal több információt kapjon.

Imádkozz Kayleigh és családjaért. *Frissítés Kayleigh 2009. május 10 -én hazament Jézushoz. Kérjük, tartsa családját imáidban ebben a nehéz időben.

A hit hálójának ima köre a nap

Kérjük, imádkozzon a McCabe családért

Ma reggel szöveges üzenetet kaptam egy óvodai munkástól, mondván, hogy a templomunk egyik családja elvesztette a házat. A családnak olyan volt, hogy pár éve van babysatom. (Valójában egy darabig tett közzé egy képet a gyerekekről). A ház mellett lovagoltam perccel ezelőtt, és a ház eltűnt. Minden szobát megsemmisítettek, így el tudom képzelni, hogy mindent elveszítettek. Annyira tehetetlennek érzem magam és olyan szívszorítónak érzem magam, hogy át kell menniük ezen. Kérjük, mondjon egy imádkozást értük ma este és az elkövetkező napokért.

Imádkozz a férjemért, lencseért

Ma minden olvasótól kérlek imáikat és pozitív gondolataikat. Úgy gondoljuk, hogy Istent, hogy ma szívességet adjon neki a férfiakkal. Hihetetlen Isten lépést várok. Imádkozni fognak az emberek, és elvárják velem?

Imádkozz a Freeman családért!

Imádkozz a Rine és a Pate családokért

Imádkozz Noah babáért

Hallottad már ezt a történetet?… Ez tragikus, és velem maradt, kérlek, imádkozzatok azért az értékes kisfiúért, a családjáért és az orvosok csapataért … továbbadja a blogcímet, és segíti az imaharcosok összegyűjtését és segíti a Rally Warriors -t! (nem biztos benne, miért nem működik a link, de kérjük, látogasson el egyébként, és tanulja meg a történetét!)

Imádkozz a Tiffany és a Babies 28Wksért

Megkérdeztem az új barátomtól, Tiffany -tól, hogy megkérdezhetem mindannyian, hogy imádkozzanak érte és a hordozott 3 csodát! Ő a szomszédom nővére, NC -ben él, és 2girls -t és 1boyt vár! Biztos vagyok benne, hogy holnap 29 héten van! Az utóbbi 2 héten nagyon sok összehúzódása van, és kétségbeesetten próbálja hosszabb ideig tartani ezeket a csecsemőket a sütőben! Nincs méhnyakja, így minden nap hatalmas áldás! Kérlek, imádkozzatok a józanságáért, az utazás ezen szakaszának emelkedéséért! Béke neki és férjének. Hogy ezek a csecsemők még néhány hétig maradhatnak! A „nem sürgősségi” szállításhoz és 3 egészséges csecsemő biztonságos szállításához! Nagyon köszönöm az imádkozást! Első kézből tudjuk, hogy Isten meghallja ezeket az imákat, és csodákat fog dolgozni és fog dolgozni!

Imádkozzatok, hogy Nate kattintson a gombjára, hogy megismerje Nate -t ​​a gyermekkori rák elleni küzdelemről.

Please pray for poor Faith. She spent probably 3/4 of her day crying or whining. I am not sure what

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